Monday, March 2, 2009

No shows and a grown up girl

Due to the debilitating illness that struck our resident Assistant Scoutmaster (Brian) this past week, he opted not to spend the weekend camping in 20*-30* weather, and so father and son stayed home from the Klondike Derby. As it turns out, all of the other 11-year-old scouts were also sick so the 11-year-olds will have to find another weekend to campout (preferably in warmer weather). Our ward troop did take 4th place out of 24 teams--so yay! troop 110.
Paris was sick, too, so we missed the Blue and Gold Banquet Sat. night as well. I thought, hey, just leave Brian and Paris home and the rest of us can go--but since Paris is the only Cub in the house, I guess that wouldn't be kosher....So this weekend, once scheduled to the hilt, turned out to be pretty quiet.
When Brian did a milk run Sat. night, he offered to let Athena pick out her own deodarent at the store. She ran to get her coat. Don't ask me why these things are so exciting. She is only 10, but her friends are bigger and apparently already wearing bras and deodarent, so she has been begging for them both since her birthday. Between travel, R.S., and errands that have to get done, we haven't had a Sat. to do "girl" shopping yet. So the two of them left and returned 1 1/2 hours later with deodarent and bras in hand. Somehow they ended up at Justice. Brian was completely flummoxed by it all--" I thought we would just run in and pick out a color or something. I didn't realize there is a whole aisle for pre-teen bras." The nice lady at the store probably thought Brian was a single dad or something and helped Athena pick out her first bras. I was a little dissappointed not to share this "grown-up" moment with Athena, but I guess that's what growing up is all about-- getting me to let go of the apron strings.

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