"We don't like the taste of this toothpaste" (bubblegum)
"Fine. What kind do you like?"
This was followed by a rather lengthy discussion of who liked what flavor and which flavors were Absolutely Not Liked. Problem is, apparently for every kid that liked one flavor (mint, cinnamon, vanilla ice) there were at least 2 who said that same flavor made them gag.
Frustrated, I resorted to:
"When I was a kid there was only one flavor of toothpaste, and we used it and we LIKED IT!"
This is a purse Athena made from a Klutz kit she got for Christmas. After making potholders, capes for her stuffed animals, she got really creative and made this purse, and sewed on a button so she could close it and everything. Good job, Athena!
In other related arts and crafts, the kids have not met a sock they couldn't use as anything other than a sock. They have used them as garages, and parked matchbox cars inside. They have balled up several of them and made balls to throw around. They have become purses and carrying cases for stuffed animals. When they couldn't find gloves to play outside, they used them as mittens. Here is their latest reincarnation:
Chicken with Pecan Cream Sauce is for you Alyssa. This is delicious, creamy, and tasty but no dairy!
Thanks sis - I'm trying this tomorrow!