Sunday, July 26, 2009

Just for kicks

Athena and Paris just wrapped up a week of soccer camp. Paris is an old pro--he went last year, as well as playing in the fall with the rec team. Athena always wanted to play soccer, but with dance, I just couldn't agree to driving and paying for both. So I let her take a week soccer camp so she could get a taste for it. As much as I love having a dancer in the family, I would hate for her to think that that is her only option. We borrowed shoes and guards from a friend, and she borrowed shorts from her brother. It was so cute, the first day, they were talking in the car--Paris saying "I'm glad Athena's coming to camp with me. It'll be great showing her around" and Athena saying, "I'm glad Paris is there. I would be so nervous if he wasn't." Warms a poor mother's heart.
Anyway, they had a good time, though they had to play in the rain one day and got sopping wet, and muddy--(I think that was their favorite day).

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