Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Choir concert; Santa visit

Paris and Athena performed at their school's choir concert. If you look closely, you can see Paris by the microphone saying his speaking part. (Yes, I need a better camera. We looked at some better ones at Costco, but it was time consuming, and I suddenly realized that we had been in Costco for 2 hours--which meant (1) we were spending too much money and (2) we needed to get home and pick up Paris, who was playing at a friends. We let Paris take the cell phone with him to his friends' and I called on the way to let him know we'd be picking him up soon. When he didn't answer I was slightly annoyed. Turns out, he didn't answer because he had accidently dropped the cell phone in the toilet, and it was no longer working--why, oh, why didn't we buy insurance for their phone?!--But Brian salvaged it by putting the phone in a bag of rice--it draws all the water out--who knew?) Anyway, it was a nice little concert, and Paris and Athena did a great job. Athena sang with the descant(sp?) group (they sang the song in a higher key). Just as an aside--apparently, it's PC to sing songs about Hannukah--but not ANY songs that have to do with the birth of Christ, just sleigh bells and Christmas shopping.
On Saturday, we went to Camden and saw Santa. Yes, Camden. I know that that can be a scary part of town, but Tritan was doing a youth service project at the branch building in Camden--he helped out in one of the craft rooms and so we took Paulie and the rest there. It beats the mall, anyhow. They had a nice set-up with crafts, Santa, and breakfast.


  1. hey, overlapping your pics was a neat trick! hee hee. That is funny, I didn't know Santa lived in Camden, I will have to send the girl's letters there instead of the north pole . . . .
    by the way, our photographer and friend highly recommended to me the Nikon D3000 which is on sale at Costco with 2 lenses for 649 because of a 100 rebate. Then I was in the store and saw they actually had a 125 rebate in the store, so it was 624 instead- even better!

  2. oh yeah, I dropped our cell phone in the toilet too, wish I had known the rice trick . . .

  3. Lovin' the blog! You're a great writer.
