Sunday, February 28, 2010

My husband went to an S&M pub in London

If you did a double take at that title, so did I when he told me. Apparently, S&M in the UK is not quite so shocking. S&M is Sausage and Mash--you have your choice of sausage and mashed potatoes. I thought they called that Bangers and Mash, but I suppose B&M sounds even worse.

Brian was in London for about a week. It was a long, hard trip for him and the 5-hour time difference made talking together almost impossible. But he did get to walk around London on the Sunday he arrived.

Here at home, we had ANOTHER Nor'easter, but I guess Spring is coming after all, since despite constant snow and strong winds, the snow didn't stick as much. The kids still milked another early release on Thurs. and a snow-day on Friday. They will probably have to go to school until August to make up for all these snow days but no one was complaining now.

Tritan went on the Klondike this weekend. I've decided Scouting is designed as much to prepare parents as the scouts to send them out into the world. The last thing I wanted to do was to send Tritan out in a Nor'easter on Friday night. But luckily, the leaders changed plans and had them spend the night at a leader's house and drive up to the competition Sat. morning. Tritan said he had a good time, that he especially liked riding on the sled, and eating lunch was his favorite event.

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