Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The kids have been partying...

This is supposed to be a blog about what the kids do, but they do so much without me now, it's hard to keep track....

There are anomalies in all of the places that we've lived--things I've noticed that are unique to the area we live in but have no logical explanation, aren't really a product of the geography or the genealogy of an area, but are just coincidences: Like, in Alabama there were an unusual amount of red heads. And twins. Here, there seems to only be about a dozen names: Jill, Jessica, Lisa (or Alyssa), Rich, and Steve--seriously, if you don't know someone's name you have a pretty good shot if you just guess one of those. Also, apparently April/May was a popular time to give birth around here--the kids' social calendar has been rife with birthday parties.

Tritan's best friend had a slumber party a couple of weeks ago. They were supposed to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid but at the last minute, the kids all decided they'd rather just goof off (go figure). So they went to the parking lot of the mother's workplace (with no cars in it) and the parents drove around the parking lot fast while the kids hung their heads out the window. (Note to self: Next time the kids beg to see $9 3-D movie, suggest this instead.) They ate pizza and stayed up most of the night. Tritan's not our most social, so despite being a little unorthodox, the party was a huge success. Tritan could even tell us the names of everyone who was there!

(On a side note: Tritan's IEP meeting went really well. All of his teachers said they could see a huge improvement in responsibility and socialization this year. I've noticed it too. Especially this last few months. I'm not sure what caused this new attitude, but maybe it's just him growing up. They are going to mainstream him this next year to classes with 2 teachers, so he won't have any pull-out classes. Tritan said he is a little nervous, but I think he will do great. He is really smart; it's only the social aspect that he has a hard time with, and he's getting better with that all the time.)

Athena had a birthday party the night before Mother's Day and came back sparkling, literally. The mother of the birthday girl did makeovers for the girls, and she had gold eyeliner, pink glitter, and glossy lips. She tried to sleep on her back to preserve it for church, since she had a talk in Primary. I wasn't thrilled with her wearing so much make-up, but see below, I tend to let some things slide.

Apollo is the busiest with appointments at the Pump It Up party place almost weekly. The good thing is, he's old enough now that I don't have to stay with him the entire party. Now if I was only smart enough to buy toys in bulk we wouldn't have to run to Target every week...

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