Monday, May 11, 2009

A Killer(s) Concert

I'm not sure how it happened, but I have slowly become de-passionate-tized. I used to be fired up, ready to rumble, out to change the world. I was a very active member of Amnesty International in high school, helping to throw concerts and participating in marches to the city capitol building; now I listen to reports on NPR and solemnly shake my head. My vigor to save the environment in college went from re-seeding grassland and vegetarianism to being tiredly annoyed when I find recyclables in the garbage. I used to be up for almost any party, dance, gathering I heard about, now I grumble when we get invited to neighborhood parties. Ask me about music or art and I had an opinion; now...well, OK, I never really gave that up.
And The Killers are by far my favorite band. Of all time. I know I sound like a teen-ager, but for me, The Killers are my balm, my inspiration, my high. I cannot not be happy when I listen to them. When I am stressed out, there is nothing like getting in the car and cranking Read my Mind. When I run, nothing can inspire me to run another mile like All These Things I've Done. And I defy anyone not to jump along with Spaceman.
So imagine my delight when Brian bought me concert tickets for The Killers for this past Friday. I have been in eager anticipation since Feb. when he bought them and, even with that much buildup the concert did not disappoint. If blasting their music in the car is my nirvana, being there feeling the bass thump through you, lights dancing in time to the beat, and Brandon Flowers strutting among his Las Vegas set was joy beyond words.
The only thing better than seeing my favorite band in person, was seeing it with Brian, who knows how to enjoy a concert better than anyone. Thanks again, honey!

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