Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

Today was the big day. We spent the proceeding week getting in last minute dr.'s appointments (Athena had her extra tooth pulled, easy as pie, with some gas and local--no surgery-yay; Apollo went to the ENT and everything still looks good--even had another hearing test and everything checked out), back to school shopping, and organizing their rooms (I just took everything out of Paris and Apollo's except for a few clothes and their shoes. We'll see what I let them put back in.) We eeked out the last bits of summer with a picnic in the park, a BBQ, and some ice cream and then packed them up and sent them off this morning.

I admit I was emotional yesterday thinking of sending my oldest to middle school and my youngest to all-day kindergarten. I can't believe they are so old already. Tritan has been sick most of last week and I was intent on making him better before the first day. I really didn't want him to miss the first day of school. I was afraid it would put him behind before he got started. We called our home teacher to come help give a blessing last night so I am hoping all goes well.

Athena was up at 6am, a whole hour and a half before she had to be up. She picked out her clothes a week ago and painted her nails last night. The boys, on the other hand, put on whatever was within reach and I had to send a few of them back again to change. (Paris, for one, did pick his clothes out last night. He really can be stylin' when he wants to).

Apollo was cranky all morning and admitted he was feeling "funny". He has been so excited to start school, counting down the days since last April, but now that it is finally upon us he was pretty nervous to go. Thank goodness he has an older brother and sister who can help watch out for him.


  1. wow. you are home alone. how come I haven't heard from you yet? lol

  2. your kids are so stinkin cute!! I just love them! I'm sure school will be great this year for all of them! Dont' worry T will be an all star, he always is! ;)
