Friday, September 11, 2009

The perils of being alone

So now all of my kids are in school all day.
"What are you going to do with yourself all day?" everyone asks.
What am I going to do? What am I going to do? I have had a child at home with me for 12 years. It's not to say I won't be totally lonely without them, but my mind goes wild with the possibilities of shopping, excercising, visiting,--cleaning, even--and how I'll get so much more done without having to conjole another soul to go with me.
Although, in this first week, I have to say that apparently they didn't slow me down much. I don't seem to get much more done with them gone than I did with them here.
But anyway, in light of this new-found freedom, I decided to take my fitness to the next level. This involved a more intense upper body workout than I had done previously. Which meant that the next day, it hurt when I tried to open up the pickle jar. Or pull a sharp turn with the driver's wheel. Or raise my arms above my head.
Then I went running. Boy was it great to go running outside anytime I want between 9 and 2. What freedom! Then I got home and tried to take off my sports bra. It was wet and sticky and as I tried to twist my arms to get it off, I found that my sore arms no longer worked that way. I tried again, and this time managed to pull the bra up around my face. But no further. Now I couldn't get it up or down, the bra is over my face, and my arms are up in the air. And there is no one to call to help pull it off. I thought about having my kids find me there, shirtless, with a stinky sweaty mass around my head, passed out from the effort of holding my hands in the air for hours and it gave me a sort of adreneline rush and I finally freed myself. But it was a close call.
I tell you, being home alone does have its disadvantages.


  1. this is awesome. I can't believe you are home alone. I know that when and if I ever make it to all kids in school, I will be just as busy without them. It's an allusion- just look at people you know who are just as busy as empty nesters!

  2. This had me howling - you are hilarious! I resorted to sports bras with hooks a long time ago- they're wonderful!
