Friday, February 13, 2009

LL, no ROW

Lessons Learned

  • Athena purports that there is a "special" bean in every can of beans. Whoever gets the so-called "Queen Bean" is lucky for the day. When we opened up a can of black beans for Mexican Soup, lo and behold, there was a black bean that was much darker than the rest. I got the "Queen Bean" in my bowl, so I guess I'm lucky!
  • I have recieved some e-mails claiming that Guardasil can have some scary side effects. I also heard this on NPR. It was a report of a decision the courts made against claimants who blamed autism on vaccinations. The story was pretty convincing that the link between vaccines and autisim is small to none.
  • I have also received a barrage of e-mail about the (apparently) inevitable flu pandemic. While they all say, I don't want to scare you...they then proceed to scare the crap out of me. I am not a proponent of Chicken Little-ism but I have decided being prepared wouldn't hurt. If you haven't recieved these links yet, this is to the church website and here is the government site. I don't want to scare you, but....
  • Finally, I was linked to segullah from smartmamma's blog which Courtney's blog said I should check out. Anyway, Segullah is a magazine written by and for LDS women. Their feature article in the fall issue was Harvesting Happiness by Wendy Ulrich, PhD. It was all about how we can choose to be happy and gave some concrete ways to do this--as well as ones I hadn't heard of before. My favorite quote is "Happiness is more like planting annuals than perennials. We can’t just plant the seeds of happiness once and expect a perpetual harvest."

Whew! Lots of learning but sadly, no Recipe of the Week. Brian was out of town, and so there was a lot of substandard menus this week. The best meal was a Margherita Pizza from Franco's, our new favorite diner (every Jersian has a diner). Come visit us and we'll take you there!

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